Dexamethasone injection

dexamethasone injection
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Product Description

Products Name:

dexamethasone injection


dexamethasone phosphate sodium 4mg/ml


1ml ampoule *50/box

Uses of Dexamethasone Injection Solution:<.h4>
It is used for many health problems like allergy signs, asthma, adrenal gland problems, blood problems, skin rashes, or swelling problems. This is not a list of all health problems that dexamethasone injection solution may be used for. Talk with the doctor.
What do I need to tell my doctor BEFORE I take Dexamethasone Injection Solution?

  • If you are allergic to dexamethasone injection solution; any part of dexamethasone injection solution; or any other drugs, foods, or substances. Tell your doctor about the allergy and what signs you had.
  • If you have any of these health problems: A fungal infection or malaria infection in the brain.
  • If you have a herpes infection of the eye.
  • If you have nerve problems in the eye.
    This is not a list of all drugs or health problems that interact with dexamethasone injection solution.
    Tell your doctor and pharmacist about all of your drugs (prescription or OTC, natural products, vitamins) and health problems. You must check to make sure that it is safe for you to take dexamethasone injection solution with all of your drugs and health problems. Do not start, stop, or change the dose of any drug without checking with your doctor.

    What are some things I need to know or do while I take Dexamethasone Injection Solution?

    For all uses of dexamethasone injection solution:

  • This medicine may affect certain lab tests. Tell all of your health care providers and lab workers that you take dexamethasone injection solution.
  • You may have more chance of getting an infection. Wash hands often. Stay away from people with infections, colds, or flu.
  • Call your doctor right away if you have any signs of infection like fever, chills, flu-like signs, very bad sore throat, ear or sinus pain, cough, more sputum or change in color of sputum, pain with passing urine, mouth sores, or a wound that will not heal.
  • Chickenpox and measles can be very bad or even deadly in some people taking steroid drugs like dexamethasone injection solution. Avoid being near anyone with chickenpox or measles if you have not had these health problems before. If you have been exposed to chickenpox or measles, talk with your doctor.
  • High blood pressure has happened with drugs like this one. Have your blood pressure checked as you have been told by your doctor.
  • Long-term use may raise the chance of cataracts or glaucoma. Talk with the doctor.
  • This medicine may cause weak bones (osteoporosis) with long-term use. Talk with your doctor to see if you have a higher chance of weak bones or if you have any questions.
  • Talk with your doctor before getting any vaccines. Use of some vaccines with dexamethasone injection solution may either raise the chance of an infection or make the vaccine not work as well.
  • If you have high blood sugar (diabetes), you will need to watch your blood sugar closely. Tell your doctor if you get signs of high blood sugar like confusion, feeling sleepy, more thirst, more hungry, passing urine more often, flushing, fast breathing, or breath that smells like fruit.
  • Talk with your doctor before you drink alcohol.
  • A type of cancer (Kaposi’s sarcoma) has happened in people taking drugs like this one for a long time. Talk with the doctor.
  • If you are 65 or older, use dexamethasone injection solution with care. You could have more side effects.
  • If you are allergic to sulfites, talk with your doctor. Some products have sulfites.
  • Very bad health problems have happened when drugs like this one have been given into the spine (epidural). These include paralysis, loss of eyesight, stroke, and sometimes death. It is not known if drugs like this one are safe and effective when given into the spine. These drugs are not approved for this use. Talk with the doctor.
  • Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, plan on getting pregnant, or are breast-feeding. You will need to talk about the benefits and risks to you and the baby.
  • If you used dexamethasone injection solution when you were pregnant, tell your baby’s doctor.
  • Cancer treatment:

    Patients with cancer who take dexamethasone injection solution may be at a greater risk of getting a severe health problem called tumor lysis syndrome (TLS).This may lead to death. Call your doctor right away if you have a fast or abnormal heartbeat; any passing out; trouble passing urine; muscle weakness or cramps; upset stomach, throwing up, diarrhea, or not able to eat; or feel sluggish.